Monday, March 21, 2011

All my shots

I am posting all the decent shots I took on Flickr as I noted before. I have updated the link to the correct one. Here it is again:

Once I get through all my photos I will select a "Top 10" and do another set so you don't have to wade through 90 shots if you don't want to.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Going home

This is my last post from Indian Wells. It has been a fantastic tournament and hopefully you enjoyed following along. Doing a blog takes some work and I have no idea if one or twenty people enjoyed it. Drop me note with what you liked and didn't like so I can make it better next year.
I have two more matches to post, Rapael Nadal and Roger Federer so don't go away yet!
In a few days I will start posting higher rez photos on my Flickr site -


Snuck in

I got into the boxes. Don't tell anybody.

Andy Roddick dejected

Although Andy fought back, Richard Gasquet was too accurate tonight.

Losing hurts.

Richard Gasquet backhand

Richard Gasquet has a fantastic one handed backhand. His fast pace and excellent placement won the match.

Andy Roddick forehand

Andy broke back and forced a tiebreak.

Andy Roddick catches up

Andy Roddick fought back and behind his signature strong serves he didn't let Richard break again.

Richard Gasquet

Behind a strong serve and some fantastic winner groundstrokes, Richard won the first set handily and quickly gained a break in the second.

Andy Roddick

Although Andy's shoes were red hot, Andy struggled as Richard passed him right and left almost every time Andy approached the net.

Andy Roddick vs Richard Gasquet

Andy had to face a red hot Richard Gasquet.

Maria Sharapova

Another soft serve.


Maria Sharapova after a soft backhand. :)

Maria Sharapova

Here Maria gets ready to punish the ball (and Dinara Safina).

Maria Sharapova

It was pointed out to me that I only had shots of men, so here are some shots displaying the beauty and grace of Maria Sharapova in her match against Dinara Safina.

Wawrinka advances

Stanislaus Wawrinka wins the third set against Tomas Berdych and advances to the next round.

Berdych tries to hold on

Tomas Berdych tried to hold on.

Wawrinka stretches

Stanislaus Wawrinka pulled out the tiebreak and forced a third set. During the third set he mixed up patient, soft shots with slice and powerful top spins.

Wawrinka turns it up

Stanislaus Wawrinka wasn't going to give up. Behind a big first serve he broke back and took the second set to a tiebreak.

Eye on the ball

Tomas Berdych displayed his poise and focus, winning the first set and getting a break in the first game of the second. It looked like his higher seed would be prophetic and he would advance.

Berdych vs Wawrinka

This was a great match today. Tomas Berdych took on the hot Stanislaus Wawrinka. Wawrinka has been the highlight of the tournament for me.

Berdych has incredible touch and balance, as this shot displays.